September 2018
The key points of our submission are:
- The Government’s programme of work on residential leasehold reform addresses themes that arise from subjects of enquiry raised by leaseholders with LEASE in recent years
- Full benefit of the programme of work for existing leaseholders of flats and houses may depend on the Law Commission’s work on enfranchisement.
- Ending the doctrine of forfeiture for residential leasehold should be introduced as further reform.
- To help existing leaseholders with onerous terms, LEASE can provide ongoing support and also increase the capacity of other advice providers to intervene locally.
- In the event that the variation of onerous leases cannot be progressed by negotiation between the original developers and current freeholders, then government should intervene.
- Action by Government, where homeowners suffer detriment, due to an issue they were unaware of at the time of purchase, is not unprecedented.
Download LEASE’s full response here