February 2021
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has published the full fund Application Guidance for the Waking Watch Relief Fund.
The criteria for the fund has been published, setting out which buildings are eligible for funding, the evidence needed to apply and how applications will be assessed, as well as the way the funding is provided.
The fund will be distributed through councils, regional authorities, and directly through the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government, depending on the location of the building. The funding is available for buildings across England, with £22 million targeted to the cities with most high-rise buildings with unsafe cladding, including Manchester, Birmingham, and Leeds.
The remaining £8 million of the fund will be centrally administered and is available to buildings across all other areas of England.
The application deadline for private sector buildings (except those in Greater London) and social sector buildings in all areas was the 14th March 2021. Applications received after 14 March 2021 for this group of buildings will not be considered for funding.
If your building is a private sector building and is located in one of the following areas – Sheffield, Greater Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol, and Newcastle – the fund will be delivered by the relevant Local Authority or by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) in respect of Greater Manchester.
The Greater London Authority will be administering the fund in Greater London. The fund opened to applications from eligible private sector buildings in Greater London on 18 March 2021 and will remain open until 11.59pm on 30 April 2021. Applications to the Fund for private buildings in London should be submitted via the GLA-OPS portal.
Further information:
- Waking Watch Relief Fund Re-opened to applications
- Government announces £30 million Waking Watch Relief Fund
- What is waking watch?
- What is the waking watch relief fund?
- What will the waking watch relief fund cover?
- Which buildings will be eligible for the waking watch relief fund?
- Who is responsible for applying for the waking watch relief fund?
- When will the waking watch relief fund open?