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Fire Safety

Our services

LEASE provides free initial advice on the law that applies to fire safety, for leaseholders (full and shared ownership) in buildings containing flats, including those with cladding, to ensure they are aware of their rights and are supported to understand the terms of their leases.

You can get free advice from our experienced advisers, by booking a telephone appointment, or by writing to us. If there are 20 or more leaseholders in your building, then an outreach event may be the most efficient way for us to assist. We can speak to the group about a particular point of concern and/or have an advice surgery for individuals to obtain personal advice. Please use our event form to arrange an event close to you. We can also hold events by Teams or conference call.

If you are a leaseholder with fire safety concerns we encourage you to complete this survey. The information you provide will be passed on to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, to assist them in determining the necessary response to fire safety issues and concerns. You may be contacted for a follow up. The Government are keen to hear from leaseholders for their views on this important issue.

Code of Practice for the remediation of residential buildings

The Code makes clear what you can expect during projects where works are required due to the external walls of a residential building

Cladding Safety Scheme

The CSS will provide funding for the remediation or mitigation of life safety fire risks associated with externally cladded walls on eligible buildings over 11 metres outside of London and between 11-18 metres inside of London where a responsible developer cannot be identified, traced, or held responsible 

Leaseholders concerned about their building’s eligibility should: 

  1. Contact the Responsible Entity (see Who can apply) to encourage them to apply to the CSS. 
  2. Use the Tell Us Tool to share details about your building directly with the government. This helps identify potentially eligible buildings and facilitates contact with the relevant freeholder or manager. 
  3. For further details and guidance, visit the official Cladding Safety Scheme page.

Building Safety Fund

Buildings with unsafe cladding above 18 metres in London could be eligible for the Building Safety Fund.

Fire Risk Assessments

Fire safety regulations

Waking Watch

ACM Cladding

Fire doors


NFCC Waking Watch Advice

Fact sheets on Fire safety

Template Letters


Building Safety Act forms

Articles on Fire Safety

LEASE is governed by a board, appointed as individuals by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.