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Want to take over the management of your building?

Our E-Learning platform has modules for leaseholders looking to manage their own building using a RTM company.

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Open Data from the Leasehold Advisory Service

This page shows data from LEASE enquiries and the LEASE website, collated over the past five years. LEASE firmly believes that in sharing the data we will be helping to educate, inform, and empower leaseholders. This data will be published every quarter. The offering will be shaped by continuing collaboration with our stakeholders. Please send feedback to


Enquiries relating to Service Charges


Enquiries relating to Repair


Enquiries relating to Management

Total visits (UK only) to website, Q1 2023/24
Total pageviews of Service Charges advice guide, Q1 2023/24
Enquiries from clients in London, Q2 2018/19 - Q1 2023/24
Enquiries from clients outside London, Q2 2018/19 - Q1 2023/24 (13% from unknown location)
Enquiries where the property concerned is a flat, Q2 2018/19 - Q1 2023/24
Enquiries where the property concerned is a leasehold house, Q2 2018/19 - Q1 2023/24 (17% unknown or mixed)

Enquiry subjects from Q2 21-22 - Q4 2022/23 - please note that there can be more than one subject for each enquiry

Subject subcategories from Q2 21-22 to Q1 23-24 - please note that there can be more than one subcategory for each subject

wdt_ID Subject Subcategory 1 Subcategory 2 Subcategory 3 2021/22 Q2 2021/22 Q3 2021/22 Q4 2022/23 Q1 2022/23 Q2 2022/23 Q3 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q1 Total
1 Service Charges General Reasonableness 693 709 934 752 706 809 1,191 1,136 6,930
2 Management Complaints 1,123 1,230 886 957 935 939 1,178 1,072 8,320
3 Disrepair Liability 513 556 576 466 517 721 801 795 4,945
4 Disrepair Remedies 438 534 481 438 462 694 770 773 4,590
5 Service Charges General Liability 447 536 616 545 495 601 780 771 4,791
6 Service Charges General S21 and S22 284 302 362 311 352 360 547 548 3,066
7 Service Charges General Payment 244 321 511 413 387 465 565 532 3,438
8 Disrepair Structure 438 432 408 352 350 514 578 518 3,590
9 Management Redress Scheme 253 423 292 317 316 403 551 490 3,045
10 Lease Extension Procedure 345 298 314 326 290 333 415 488 2,809
Subject Subcategory 1 Subcategory 2 Subcategory 3 2021/22 Q2 2021/22 Q3 2021/22 Q4 2022/23 Q1 2022/23 Q2 2022/23 Q3 2022/23 Q4 2023/24 Q1 Total

Website pageviews Q2 21-22 to Q1 23-24


  • Data for enquiries from Q2 2018/19 - Q1 2023/24 Download CSV

LEASE is governed by a board, appointed as individuals by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government.